Whether it be due to the powers of genetics, or be down to the dark workings of Satan himself, please send me your jpegs of the most malformed specimens you've found growing in your beds. Obviously, there are bonus points for rude ones.
8th August 11.22am
Okay Arabella's entry is just SO rude that I've had to put it somewhere else to avoid offence to innocent eyes. I have told at least one child to read up on the contest vis a vis miniature gardens / scone making so I hope I don't come across as a total Christine Odone. Oh god life was simpler in the days of John Betjeman when all you had to worry about was your son being a bit gay up a tree with his friend Bobby.
10th August 19.48pm
Carol from May Dreams Gardens (who organises Garden Bloggers Bloom Day) has kindly sent in her humungous tomato, with a reference to the very entertaining post about its anatomy. Check out this monster!

11th august
This just came from Veg Plotting: "the real Mr Potato Head", she says. Another impressive entry drawing on the general weirdness of the Solanaceae, no doubt about it.

19 August
A final very gorgeous tomato from MissHathorn at MustardPlaster
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