Wednesday 6 August 2008


14 August

Glosterwomble finally gets this category off to a stupendous start, with a totally Ravenesque arrangement of Velvet Queen sunflowers and carnations. Check out the Glosterwomble site if you want to see literally the neatest allotment I've ever seen in my entire life. A lesson to us all. In a nice way.

18 August
some seriously Ravenous competition for Glosterwomble, with this fantastic effort from patientgardener. Look at the dahlias on that, Mrs! 

19 August
Look at this beauty, first seen on Karen's artist's garden blog: mmmm, very SR, especially the artichoke.

22 August
Quick email from VP who was just heading off for Festival of the Tree at Westonbirt. She says:

"Now I know La Raven advocates the blousiest of bouquets, but I have seen her do single blooms too. Admittedly they're usually tiny and lined up in a number of matching bud vases, but when a friend comes for coffee and presents you with a single stem like these freshly plucked from her garden, and your hubby has just bought back a rather fine crystal vase after dismantling his mother's home, what else can a girl do but this?"

Very true, m'dear. 

22 August

Some Dutch entries from Yolanda Elizabet to put us to shame! She says: "Flower arrangement, well more an autumn display (does that count?) by Yolanda Elizabet : Reallife With Pumpkins! The kitten is called Pumpkin too, Polly Pumpkin McMain. Revoltingly cute arrangement, I know. ;-)" 

It's ridiculously cute!

Secondly, "A wonderful arrangement of nasturtiums and Maine Coon, send in by Miss Dolly Daisy McMain who is also the centre of this wonderfully vibrant display. It's called: Eat Your Heart Out Sarah Raven".

1 comment:

glosterwomble said...

AAhh bless you for the kind comments about the flowers and the plot. I'm cunning at taking good photos, there are lots of weeds and untidy bits too, you just don't see them on the blog!!!!