Welcome to the First Emsworth Village Show, scheduled to take place this year from the 15th-30th August 2008. Entries are already being accepted, so please read on for details of how to submit your prize specimens. We're holding the show in tandem with Veg Plotting's Water Aid extravaganza which also begins on the 15th August, so read all about the good cause and give if you can.
The show is named in honour of the adorable 9th Earl of Emsworth who, as you may know, exhibits his prize pig the Empress of Blandings each year at the Shrewsbury Show. "At Eton, they called him Fathead", to quote Wikipedia. Only you will know if you have the good spirit of competition epitomised by the Earl, or the downright sneakiness of Sir Gregory Parsloe Parsloe - his great rival in all things piggish.
Entries can be made in the following categories.
To enter, please send a small jpeg to anicegreenleaf AT hotmail DOT com, and I will post your entry to the right category. Please specify the category you are entering, just in case it isn't completely obvious. Then you can use the list of posts to the immediate right of this one, to find your exhibit within its category.
I haven't actually hired any judges yet so you might be doing it for the sheer showing off, but I'm sure I can manage to rustle up at least one prize for overall good sportiveness, as well as one for cynical stealing of pictures off Google Images.
Bless you all, and happy baking.
Here are the categories in full:
Knitted woollen hat, baby mitts, garden blogger or similar
Garden object built of wood
Best chicken
Most Impressive garden amphibian or reptile
Fattest Pig
Allotment showoff
Tomatoes (plate of six)
Vegetable collection 1 each of 6 different kinds
Plate of fruit
Knitted woollen hat, baby mitts, garden blogger or similar
Garden object built of wood
Best chicken
Most Impressive garden amphibian or reptile
Fattest Pig
Allotment showoff
Tomatoes (plate of six)
Vegetable collection 1 each of 6 different kinds
Plate of fruit
Most misshapen vegetable
Biggest fastest strongest
Tallest sunflower
Largest vegetable of any kind (with ruler)
Floral achievement
5 dahlias
1 vase sweet peas 9 spikes
Bouquet in the style of Sarah Raven
Floral arrangement in the style of James Alexander-Sinclair
Nigellas With Attitude
6 scones
men only Victoria Sandwich
best baklava
art and design
homemade seed packet
Celebrity portrait made from fruit or veg
best paparazzi–style picture of Matthew Wilson, Chris Beardshaw or similar
Miniature garden
Biggest fastest strongest
Tallest sunflower
Largest vegetable of any kind (with ruler)
Floral achievement
5 dahlias
1 vase sweet peas 9 spikes
Bouquet in the style of Sarah Raven
Floral arrangement in the style of James Alexander-Sinclair
Nigellas With Attitude
6 scones
men only Victoria Sandwich
best baklava
art and design
homemade seed packet
Celebrity portrait made from fruit or veg
best paparazzi–style picture of Matthew Wilson, Chris Beardshaw or similar
Miniature garden
Hi - I have promoted your show on my blog and hope to have some entries for you soon
Much as I love everything about this show my favorites have to be the piggys and the chooks, I sort of wish it was a real show and I could give the piggys a scritchy scratch behind their ears!
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