This one of Beardy, whilst promising in terms of showing his other more devilish side, is out of focus. Don't follow my example, try to do better than me.
Interim report 7th August 22.55pm
This category is quickly shaping up to be one of the most competitive.
Proper paparazzi insider snaps of hardcore celebrity gardener raving:

Ms Sock demonstrates her own inimitable way with a celebrity snap - let's hope this isn't her only entry in this category:
09.19am 8th August Some final man-on-man action from James A-S's collection; the comment reads "Joe Swift being assaulted by a stalker".
This photo is totally my favourite, anyway.

And then a mirror to the picture above: "Cleve West assaulting the stalker":
Friday 8th August
This from Ms Sock."A picture of a certain person lurking in the bushes!! He was in the distance and has been very enlarged here hence the poor quality! Funny look on his face though! More to come.."
I find myself simply impressed by the paparazzi verité of it all. What was M even doing in the bushes? Perhaps he was actually stalking Ms Sock? I hope he did not have a tartan picnic rug with him.
And finally for today, Gardenballet of the Unofficial Chris Beardshaw Fan Club took this, which was passed to us by a caring intermediary:

10th August
Some more good entries, this time from Zoe:
"Charlie Dimmock sleeping on the job".

"Cleve West directing proceedings,"

"Andrew Wilson incarcerated,"
and "Titch in the Marsh" - Alan Titchmarsh's legs.

I especially like the Dimmock one but the Titch one has a sort of compositional grace that I'm really enjoying too!
13 august
As I said above, the instructions said this could qualify in two different categories, but for lovers of pigs and Matthew Wilson, here you go again:

14 August
Another premium rate date for paparazzis preying on the lifestyles of the rich and famous. VP sends this beauty - one of my faves so far - what are they thinking about? They look like a long-married couple attending their children's school play who had an argument in the car on the way there. Not that I would know.
And look! The biter got bit! Someone caught the sock starkers!

19 August
Embarassingly, I have just found these two snaps in the depths of my inbox. I'm really sorry! I have sent and received about 250 emails about Emsworth, that's my only defence. And I have just cleared the backlog, so hopefully everyone's pics are now up!
"Carol very kindly pushed down the script the guy was holding when she saw me so I could take this pic - she's great!"
More love for the Mighty Klein.
And also from Lottie: "Andy S and Charlie D at Chelsea 2006 - sharing a joke."
21 August
David Beckham aerating some turf last night. Does this count as celebrity gardening? Hmm, I think it probably does.

I have sent you some photos I took that might suit this category.
Does this mean the naked Sock will be in Hello magazine next???? Or worse still NUTS!
God save us...
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